Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fable 3 XBOX 360

i loved fable three because of how this game REALLY changes based on the choices that you make int he game i love the magic and medieval-ness i thought it was just an interesting game until i found out why the game tells of the people you talk to why it tells thier sexuality then i really loved the game hehehee its very interesting for those of the LGBT community as i am part of it you will love it as well hehehe since i promised two posts i did both posts on the same kind of thing so its not too confusing for me to try and not to do the same thing on purpose...any ways stay tuned for more reviews comming weekly the day does change but i promise unless something holds me up i will have a new review up once a week

Dragon Age Origins XBOX 360 game

I have thoroughly loved this game so far as to where i am i love the fact that it is emersive and based on what you pick is to what happens in this game......i found a funny glitch when i was in the dwarf city ozamar trying out the dwarf noble opening to see what the opening story was.....when i was being escorted off by the royal guards one of them had no head just a bloody neck and was escorting me away i laughed really hard....i play it from the time i wake up till when i go to sleep if i dont have anything important hat i have to do that day it is fun and ilook forward to seeing what happens the further i go...if anyone is reading this comment if you think morrigan's attitude is just depressing most of the time lol hahah...any way stay tuned for more of my reviews

Friday, October 17, 2014


I do apologize for no reviews but give me till Monday and u will have two up for you whether they bey tech gadget reviews phone reviews or even a movie review it could even be a food review on a restaurant I ate at who knows that's why I'm called the random stuff reviews